@article{oai:tsuyama-nit.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000859, author = {山口, 裕美}, journal = {津山工業高等専門学校紀要, Bulletin of National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College}, month = {Mar}, note = {publisher, The purpose of this article is to show what the subject, “Japanese People and Literature” was like to students in 2017. The author set the topic, “for students to experience literature” and in the lessons they made groups of 3 – 5 students, read the play Macbeth by turns, summarized the plot, and gave presentations group by group. These activities aimed at PBL (Project-based Learning). In this article, these points will be focused on: how to decide the syllabus and the textbook, how to set the topic, and what kinds of activities students did in the class.}, pages = {85--88}, title = {体験する文学―履修選択科目「人間と文学」での実践報告―}, volume = {59}, year = {2018} }