@article{oai:tsuyama-nit.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000795, author = {寺元, 貴幸 and 福谷, 遼祐}, journal = {津山工業高等専門学校紀要, Bulletin of Tsuyama National College of Technology}, month = {Feb}, note = {publisher, In recent years, it is very major method that use internet for collecting information. Especially, social network service (SNS) is growing rapidly. For example, there are Twitter, Facebook, LINE, mixi, and so on. However, SNS is very difficult to understand for Information illiterate. In this challenge, in order to provide real-time information of "B-1 Grand prix in Tsuyama", our system was built. This system provides near-real-time information. Information is based on information that was sent by staff. Moreover, user interface is simple web-page and it is easy to use. In order to get latest information, the web browser is only required. In the day of event, our system acted role without incident. It seems without problem that operating our system, but exists some issues about construction. In this report, our system, operation, and consideration were recorded.}, pages = {59--62}, title = {大規模イベントにおける準リアルタイム渋滞情報提供システムの構築と運用}, volume = {55}, year = {2014} }