@article{oai:tsuyama-nit.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001199, author = {樋口, 敏三}, journal = {津山工業高等専門学校紀要, Bulletin of Tsuyama National College of Technology}, month = {Nov}, note = {publisher, The ferric hydroxide precipitate produced from ferrous sulfate solution by air oxidation under the conditions of pH 5.0 and 35 ℃ was a -FeOOH or a mixture of α -FeOOH and amorphous Fe(OH)3. The iep and the pzc of the precipitate which had a specific surface area of 142 ± 4 ㎡/g were pH6.7 and 5.83, respectively. The amount of adsorbed Fe(2+) ion on ferric hydroxide precipitate was proportional to the concentrations of Fe(2+) ion and the ferric hydroxide added in solution. And it was proportional to the 1/4th pewer of the pH of solution and the -1/3th power of the total sulfate concentration in solution.}, pages = {79--83}, title = {水酸化第二鉄沈殿へのFe(2+)イオンの吸着}, volume = {36}, year = {1995} }